Now I think it's looking a lot better.
You were right Dave, not enuff sauce!
..:this art blog was created by rodrigo mireles, ryan hastings and dave pasciuto as another way to keep ourselves motivated and inspired to create art outside of work:.. Enjoy.
I got a new job at Microsoft in Seattle. I get to draw and paint all day, prettty sweet gig. Has been a lot of fun so far. I still miss Chicago a ton, but it is always nice to start something new. As soon as I find an apartment I want to start back up with the analog paintings. It is fun.
ya much better! I think you should make your signature bigger though, its really too small. :P
slicker! reminds me of some asian tigers i saw at night safari—if you ever come back to singapore, we gotta go there. so rad. anyway, love the work, per usual.
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